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Retaining Outdated Laws within the Redacted Pentateuch: Empirical Models

Seiten 321 - 326

DOI https://doi.org/10.13173/zeitaltobiblrech.21.2015.0321

Bar-Ilan University

1 E. Otto, Ersetzen oder Ergänzen von Gesetzen in der Rechtshermeneutik des Pentateuch: zu einem Buch von Jeffrey Stackert, in: idem, Die Tora – Studien zum Pentateuch: Gesammelte Schriften, Wiesbaden 2009, 248–256; D. Markl, Der Dekalog als Verfassung des Gottesvolkes: Die Brennpunkte einer Rechtshermeneutik des Pentateuch in Exodus 19–24 und Deuteronomium 5, Freiburg i. Br. 2007.

2 See E. Otto, Ersetzen oder Ergänzen (see above note 1) 248–256; idem, The Pre-exilic Deuteronomy as a Revision for the Covenant Code, in: idem, Kontinuum und Proprium: Studien zur Sozial- und Rechtsgeschichte des Alten Orients und des Alten Testaments, OBC 8, Wiesbaden 1996, (112–122), 116.

3 Idem, Rechtshermeneutik im Pentateuch, in idem, Tora (see above note 1), 490–514.

4 Ibid, 512.

5 Ibid, 490–514. On Deuteronomy as restatement, see M. LeFebvre, Collections, Codes and Torah, New York, NY 2006, 68–71. Some scholars see Deuteronomy as a restatement interpreting Deut 1:5 באר to mean an explication of the previous books of the Torah (e.g. E. Otto, Rechtshermeneutik im Pentateuch [see above note 3] 503). However, even if באר means to propogate and refers to the current “torah” – Deuteronomy, the effect is the same: By virtue of its revision of earlier laws, Deuteronomy stands as a reapplication of those laws.

6 See M. Payandeh, Constitutional Aesthetics: Appending Amendments to the United States Constitution, Brigham Young University Journal of Public Law 25, 2011, 87–130.

7 Ibid, 95.

8 Ibid, 95.

9 B. Jackson, Modelling Biblical Law: The Covenant Code, Chicago Kent Law Review 70, 1995, (1745–1827), 1761. On chiasmus within the Covenant Code see D.P. Wright, Chiasmus in the Covenant Code Reconsidered: The Final Apodictic Laws, in: R. Achenbach and M. Arneth, (eds.), “Gerechtigkeit und Recht zu üben” (Gen 18,19): Studien zur altorientalischen und biblischen Rechtsgeschichte, zur Religionsgeschichte Israels und zur Religionssoziologie: Festschrift für Eckart Otto zum 65. Geburtstag, BZAR 13, Wiesbaden 2010, 171–181.

10 B. Jackson, Wisdom Laws: A Study of the Mishpatim of Exodus 21:1–22:16, Oxford 2006, 71; J. Blenkinsopp, Wisdom and Law in the Old Testament: The Ordering of Life in Israel and Early Judaism, New York, NY 1995, 97.

11 A.R. Amar, America's Constitution: A Biography, New York, NY 2006, 459–60.

12 E. Otto, Rechtshermeneutik im Pentateuch (see above note 3) 494.

13 m. Eduyot 1:5–6.

14 See discussion in M. Halbertal, People of the Book: Canon Meaning and Authority, Cambridge 1997, 51; D.W. Halivni, Peshat and Derash: Plain and Applied Meaning in Rabbinic Exegesis, New York, NY 1991, 163–167.

15 That is, his house will serve as security for the payment. Translation in M.T. Roth, Law Collections from Mesopotamia and Asia Minor, Atlanta, GA 1997, 218.


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