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naḫru “ungültig”?

Seiten 17 - 19

DOI https://doi.org/10.13173/zeitaltobiblrech.23.2017.0017


1 The Assyrian Dictionary of the University of Chicago (CAD).

2 Black, J. / George, A. / Postgate, N. 2000 CDA: A Concise Dictionary of Akkadian, SANTAG 5, Wiesbaden.

3 Deller, K. / Saporetti, C. 1970 Documenti medio-assiri redatti per annullare un precedente contratto. Oriens Antiquus IX, 29–59.

4 Llop-Raduà, J. 2017 Middle Assyrian Tablets, in: George, A. (Hg.), Assyrian Archival Texts in the Schøyen Collection and Other Documents from North Mesopotamia and Syria, CUSAS 34, Bethesda, 61–76.

5 Postgate, J.N. 2013 Bronze Age Bureaucracy. Writing and the Practice of Government in Assyria, Cambridge.

6 von Soden, W. 1965(1959)-1981 Akkadisches Handwörterbuch (AHw), Wiesbaden.


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