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Kosher in the Greek: The Giraffe and the Snake-Fighter?

Pages 307 - 312


Morthland College, Illinois

1 J. Milgrom, Leviticus 1–16, AB 3, New York 1991, 698–704. For a similar opinion, see R. Achenbach, Zur Systematik der Speisegebote in Leviticus 11 und in Deuteronomium 14, ZAR 17, 2011, (161–209), 174.

2 I. Aharoni, On Some Animals Mentioned in the Bible, Osiris 5, 1938, (461–78), 478. Emphasis Aharoni's.

3 See, accessed 3/21/12. A. Krištín and P. Kaňuch, Population, ecology, and morphology of Saga pedo (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae) at the northern limits of its distribution, European Journal of Entomology 104, 2007, (73–9), do not confirm the claims of this insect eating any prey other than insects.

4 B. Landsberger, Die Fauna des alten Mesopotamien nach der 14. Tafel der Serie HAR-RA=hubullu, Leipzig, 1934, 18–20.

5 Milgrom, Leviticus, 666.

6 Milgrom, Leviticus, 666.

7 Achenbach, ZAR, 203.

8 E. Gerstenberger, Das dritte Buch Mose Leviticus, ATD 6/6, Göttingen 1993, 119.

9 G. von Rad, Das fünfte Buch Mose, Deuteronomium, ATD 8, Göttingen 1968, 70 identifies the species as “Bergziegen”, as does Achenbach, ZAR 17, 177.

10 G. Cansdale, All the Animals of the Bible Lands, Grand Rapids, 1970, 86–7.

11 P. Houlihan, The Animal World of the Pharaohs, London/New York, 1996.

12 J. Boessneck and A. von den Driesch, Studien an subfossilen Tierknochen aus Ägypten, Munich, 1982, 136–43. See also E. Uphill, Egyptian Towns and Cities (Aylesbury, UK, 1988, 62–5.


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