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The “Elders” (šibūtē) and the “great ones”. (GAL.MEŠ) in the Levant in the XIII cent. B.C.E.

Pages 213 - 218



1 F. Malbran-Labat, Lettres, No. 2, Lettre Urhi-Tešub to Urtenu, Yabininu, Addu-dini pour annoncer l'arrivée de renforts, in (M. Yon, D. Arnaud, eds.) Etudes, Ougaritiques, I (Travaux 1985-1995). RSO XIV, Paris, 2001, pp. 249–250, Figure 4, p. 253.

2 M. Yon, Le cite d'Ougarit sur le tell de Ras Shamra, Paris, 1997; “Maison d'Ourtenu”, pp. 96–98.

3 LÙ.MEŠ.GAL as also in this article below LÙ GAL MEŠ or GAL.GAL can in our context to be translated only as “great ones”.

4 Under consideration in this case - only the city - Ugarit, and not the kingdom with its territory.

5 This is the commonly accepted greeting formula.

6 ERIN.MEŠ = ṣabē.

7 I.e., Ugarit. Preliminary remarks about this text, I. Singer, A Political History of Ugarit, HUS, p. 645.

8 Malbran-Labat, p. 250 with the literature about these persons.

9 3)LÚ sākin KUR kinza.

10 8) … a-na pa-ni 9) LÚ.MEŠ GAL.MEŠ (rabūtē) ŠEŠ-yā MEŠ-ya (aḫḫe-ya) a-kán-na 10) aq-te-bi ma-a šár - KUR Ú-ga-ri-it 11) be-li šu-ut

11 M. Heltzer, The Internal Organization of the Kingdom of Ugarit, Wiesbaden, 1982, pp. 141–152 skn-sākinu - W. van Soldt, Studies on the sākinu official, I, UF, 33, 2001 (2002), pp. 579–606.

12 M. Heltzer, The Political Institutions of Ancient Emar as compared with contemporary Ugarit (13th -Beginning of the 12th Century B.C.E., UF, 33, 2001 (2002), pp. 236.

13 Ibid, pp. 219–226.

14 Emar VI /3, 252 1-2), LÚ.MEŠ GAL.MEŠ URU E-mar.

15 Emar VI/3, 257, 3) a-na pa-ni LUGAL i-na di-ni iš-ku-un-šu.

16 A town of the kingdom of Emar.

17 4) ù LUGAL.LÚ.MES.GAL.MEŠ ša URUša-tap-pi.

18 6) … šum-ma LÚ. GAL.MEŠ 7) i-ta-am-mu.

19 Emar VI/3. 282) a-na pa-nu LÚ.ME (=MEŠ) GAL 3) a-na di-ni iq-ru-ba (a-na)um-ma LÚ.MEŠ.GAL 4) i-na ma-mi-ti- it-ta-šu-ma.

20 RE 34, 12) … É-šu 13) dNIN.URTA il-qè 14) KIdNIN.URTA ù LÚ.MEŠ GAL GAL 15) URUE-mar KIbe-lu-ú É-ti.

21 Heltzer, The Political Institutions … pp.

22 Written unusually AB.BA.MEŠ.

23 PRU, IV, 17.424C, 24) … ša-'a-al 25) [L]Úabbē URUU-ga-ra-it “ask the fathers of Ugarit”, cf. also M. Heltzer, The Rural Community in Ancient Ugarit, Wiesbaden, 1976, p. 79.

24 Written phonetically-syllabic, or ŠU. MEŠ or ŠU.GI MEŠ.

25 The texts about properity written “in the presence of elders”, - U.V 5 (RS. 17-22 + 17.987); U.V, RS 17.149; U.V, RS 17.36; U.V 9, RS 17.61; and possibly some other badly preserved tablets.

26 22) ba-ba-ya-nu 23) mār Iya-du-da-na 24) Iab-du qa-du4 māri-šu 24) ú Iad-du-nu 25) LÚḫa-at-ni-šu 26) ù LÚakil (PA) li-im.

27 I.e., they had to bring their oath about innocency of Rakba.

28 29) LÚ MEŠan-nu-ta4 lil-li-ku-ni 30) a-na É ilimlim li-ru-bu 31) ù lu-ú; cf. also Heltzer, Rural Community …, p. 79.

29 Cf. also U.V 66 (RS.25.54B) where we read in lines 1-2 about “elders of Arrutu” - a well-known village of Ugarit. But the text is heavily damaged and we cannot understand its essence.

30 Heltzer, The Political Institutions…, UF 33, 2001, pp. 231–232, note 56.

31 Emar VI/3, No. 1, the name of Puḫi-šenni, the “overseer of the country is mentioned in the testament and in line 23 of the text we read: KIŠIB.ḪIA LÚ.MEŠ ši-bu-ti URU KI “the seals of the elders of the city”.


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