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Les inscriptions hébraïques et la science biblique

Seiten 124 - 128

DOI https://doi.org/10.13173/zeitaltobiblrech.9.2003.0124

1 Les Inscriptions hébraïques sont citées d'après le récuil de S. Ahituv, Handbook of Ancient Hebrew Inscriptons, Jerusalem 1992 (en hébreu). Le réceuil est riche en parallèles bibliques.

2 R. Deutsch, “First Impression – What We Learn from King Ahaz's Seal”, BARev. XXIV/3 (1998), pp. 54–56, 62.

3 F.M. Cross, “King Hezekia's Seal Bears Phenician Imagery”, BARev XXV/2 (1999), pp. 42–45, 60.

4 Les sources bibliques sont d'après S.R. Driver, An Introduction to the Literature of the Old Testament, Edinbourg9 1961 (réimpr.).

5 Je tiens à remercie le Prof. B. Nitzan pour cette information.

6 D'après “The Responsa – Rabbinical Questions and Answers on CD-ROM”.

7 Cfr. J. Renz, Die Althebräischen Inschriften, Teil 1, Darmstadt 1995, p. 182.

8 Cfr. par exemple: “The Bible, according to this school of thought [Biblical Minimalists, Revisionists, Nihilists], can tell us only about the period in which it was written: naturally, these scholars contend that it was written late – in the Persian period (fourth century B.C.E.) or even in the Hellenistic period (third-second centuries B.C.E.)”, BAR 23/4 (1997), p. 26.

9 Cfr. A. Hurvitz, “Can Biblical Texts Be Dated Linguistically? Chronological Perspectives in the Historical Study of Biblical Hebrew” VTS LXXX (2000), p. 145.


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